Thursday, October 21, 2010

Haneda Airport

Haneda Airport began to use its new fourth international runway on Wednesday. The internationalisation of the airport is a significant move as it is much more closer to the heart of Tokyo than Narita Airport. The structural innovation of the airport is also quite impressive with most of the floor and ceiling glass so that there is maximum exposure to light.

Haneda is Japan’s largest domestic airport, and flying into Haneda makes easier to connect to domestic flights. Japan’s other regional attractions such Hokkaido and Okinawa also become much more accessible through the new service at Haneda Airport.

The introduction of this terminal also has gotten local businesses excited, where according to Daily Yomiuri, it has given hope to many Tokyo bathhouses anticipating floods of foreign visitors. The Ota public bathhouse association has already made posters in four foreign languages to help foreigners who are not familiar with Japanese bathing customs.

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