Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mos Burgers

I really love Mos Burgers and they are really different to McDonald’s. When I first when to Japan, it was definitely near the top of my ‘to try’ list. They are Asian-fied burgers which are made after you order and can take about 10-15 minutes to make. I remember trying the teriyaki flavoured burger which is one of the classic ones. Recent flavours are crazy and are designed specifically for the Japanese tastebuds. For example, they now have rice burgers which means instead of using bread, it’s replaced with rice, barley and millet which holds it in the shape of a burger. On the Japanese website, if you click on each burger, they show you what it actually inside the burger and how many calories each burger has (which is typical thing on all Japanese food labels). There are also international stores opened in Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, etc and can’t wait for this to open in Australia (if it ever will!).

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