Saturday, October 23, 2010


The Smell-O-Vision device developed by Japanese researchers is a gadget that releases aromas according to the images on the TV or computer screen. Creators believe this will revolutionise the way people watch TV.

The Japanese team adapted a printer to squirt four scents instead of the colour ink used in printers. Leading researcher Kenichi Okada of Keio University Tokyo said the scent from the ink jet lasts only for two human breaths and is still in its early stages of development.

This reminds me of the 4D movies in Disneyland where there is also the sense of touch incorporated when watching. Now when smell is incorporated we would be not only looking at mouth-watering dishes on Masterchef, but also smell the food as if we were really there. Bringing aroma into entertainment is not new: as early as the 1950s there was Aroma-Rama and its updated version Smell-O-Vision was designed to release smell through air conditioners in the cinema, trying to attract people to keep coming back. However that failed to hold.

It will sort of be like the Food Lion billboard which releases aromas of black pepper and charcoal from 7-10am in June, but only in our lounge rooms we will experience continuously a variety of smells.

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